Cibersoftware - Solutions for Casinos

Energy Systems

The Entertainment Industry as a whole is not immune to the need to adopt policies aimed at increasing productivity with sustainable development. In the particular case of Entertainment Centers, electric power is the energy source that makes its operation possible. These are projects that, due to their building characteristics, equipment, ambience and comfort that they must offer to their clients, during working hours that in many cases reach 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, have a high and complex demand for electrical energy.

In an approach oriented towards energy efficiency, these peculiar characteristics must be considered during the design stage or in the building update processes. The project (orientation of the building, volumetry of its interior, etc.), the materials of construction and setting, the equipment in general (furniture, games, signage, etc.), services (fuel, water, air conditioning, lighting, center of data, etc.), the generation and treatment of waste and effluents, as well as the operational management model, will have an impact on the energy efficiency of the enterprise.

Telecommunications Systems

Controlling the security of a casino is an especially complex mission. It not only has to protect its customers and employees, but also its interests and, at the same time, comply with the strict regulations of the sector. And if we add extra difficulties such as complicated lighting, high ceilings and the need to capture the smallest shapes and the most changing colors, the challenge is maximum

In an environment in which the activity never ceases, it is important to have security 24 hours a day to avoid any type of trap and in addition, this security must be infallible. Telecom network video solutions, known for their flexibility and reliability, offer you the opportunity to monitor all areas of your casino. Control slot machines, tables, cash handling areas, corridors, entrances and exits, parking lots and any other space, and all respecting regulations of the sector that change constantly.

Electronic Security Systems

Casinos around the world face intense scrutiny from regulators, making it crucial to have an effective and reliable security and surveillance system. Because performance and regulatory compliance are fundamental, many of the largest gaming institutions in the industry have placed their trust in manufacturers with better support teams and research and development, companies that today are our main players. commercial allies for the manufacture of the best solutions in the market.

For the most demanding Video Surveillance applications, only the most powerful and reliable solutions in the industry can be used. And there are no more demanding Video Surveillance deployments than in casinos and other gaming operations, where the games of hand and the fastest of the movements must be captured, reviewed and archived to comply with the strictest control standards.

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